POLITICO: «Angry 8: Inside Germany’s far-right AfD»

politico.eu vom 27.04.2016

BERLIN — The far-right Alternative for Germany has turned German politics on its head, but leadership squabbles threaten to derail the party’s rapid rise.

Founded in 2013 as a protest party calling for the abolition of the euro and an end to bailouts given to EU members, it has developed into a far-right force to be reckoned with and now takes aim at Chancellor Angela Merkel’s refugee policy and the role of Islam in Germany.

It’s a strategy that’s working, with opinion polls putting the AfD at 12 percent support. In March it had its best-ever results in three state elections.

Von Janosch Delcker

Marc Jongen dazu: Kleine, nicht unwitzige Typologie der AfD-Führung fürs englischsprachige Ausland, in der auch ich zu Ehren komme.

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