«Germany must protect itself … Muslims have integration problems here … right-wing up as democracy overlooks people» vom 30.05.2016

German philosopher Marc Jongen, known for ‘avant-garde conservatism’, is associated with the Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) party, a controversial political outfit making strident calls against refugees and Islam. Speaking with Subodh Ghildiyal in Stuttgart, Jongen, who teaches philosophy at Karlsruhe University of Design, discussed why more Europeans are turning to a growing right-wing, Angela Merkel’s calculations about refugees – and why he thinks Muslim migrants can’t adjust to life in Germany.

Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-30 um 14.13.38

Marc Jongen dazu: INTERVIEW mit „The Times of India“ anlässlich des Bundesparteitags der AfD am 1.5.2016. Für Indien sei das Thema Islam besonders interessant, meinte der Journalist, weil Indien jahrhundertelang unter islamischer Herrschaft stand und noch heute die größte muslimische Bevölkerung weltweit besitzt.

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